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Category Archives: Drugs Are Bad

Crackheads need not apply- for entrance.

Walking down Market St. yesterday and saw this sign. Somehow the cheery lettering and the Giants colors don’t make the sentiment any less dehumanizing.


Just Say No to Unprotected Anal Sex

After watching a video from 1993 about the HIV/AIDS epidemic today, I brought up the differences in risks between anal and vaginal sex in the US, and how it was different than in Africa. Upon my citing the low incidence of penile vaginal transmission my teacher said- “Shhhh… if you say that people wont use [...]


My Non-illustrious Debut as a Crackhead

I did crack tonight. Well, I think it was crack, it also could have been meth. I’m really not sure; all I know is that while doing outreach I walked by a gentleman smoking on the stairs and there was a bitter alkaloid burning along with the pot in his joint. The girls I was [...]
